• 许多肾病患者被开了过量他汀类药物

    13-09-11 A new analysis concludes that large numbers of patients in advanced stages of kidney disease are inappropriately being prescribed statins(他汀类药物) to lower their cholesterol(胆固醇) -- drugs that offer them no benefit and may increase other h...

  • 肾病患者需保持有益心脏健康的生活方式

    13-05-27 Maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle may also help protect chronic kidney disease patients from developing kidney failure and dying prematurely, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrolog...

  • 两个APOL1基因变体与肾病有关

    11-10-25 African-Americans with two copies of the APOL1 gene have about a 4 percent lifetime risk of developing a form of kidney disease, according to scientists at the National Institutes of Health. The finding brings scientists closer to understanding why...

  • 术后急性肾损伤有预兆

    11-08-13 Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common -- but preventable -- complication after surgery that can lead to other complications or even death. The use and development of biomarkers will help physicians diagnose and treat acute kidney injury. Three prote...

  • 孕妇盐摄入量影响胎儿肾发育

    11-07-07 A new animal study from Europe has drawn an association between pregnant mothers' sodium(钠) intake and their newborn's kidney development. Among the most significant aspects of the study's findings is that either too much or too little salt durin...

  • 基因PVT1可能与糖尿病肾病有关

    11-04-24 A gene called PVT1 may help reduce the kidneys ability to filter blood, leading to kidney disease, kidney failure and death, according to a study published today by researchers at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). The TGen team f...

  • 肾病与心脏病是老年人常见疾病

    11-04-22 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common and linked with heart disease in the very elderly, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). CKD is a major public health problem th...

  • 肾移植患者宜加大运动量

    11-03-04 Low physical activity increases kidney transplant patients' likelihood(可能) of dying early, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). The results suggest that patients...

  • 利用计算机程序寻找匹配肾源

    10-12-15 A man in St. Louis and a woman in New Hampshire have received the first kidney transplants made possible through a new national program of the Organ Procurement(采购,获得) and Transplantation Network (OPTN) that uses a Carnegie Mellon University...

  • 儿童慢性肾脏病可能由母亲健康导致

    10-11-22 Children with Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD慢性肾脏病 ) are more likely to have mothers who were obese or had diabetes(糖尿病) during pregnancy, according to a study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientif...