• a kick in the teeth 极度的失望,沉重的打击,重大的挫折

    22-06-10 1. Chances are pretty good (that)... 很有可能......,后面表述原因 例句: Alone on Instagram? Chances are pretty good your pictures suck. 你的Instagram没人气?很可能是因为你的照片太挫了。 Got no boyfriend? Chances are pretty good youre ugly. 木有男友...

  • kick (one) when (one) is down 落井下石

    22-03-23 落井下石,汉语成语,字面意思是drop down a stone on the man who has fallen into a well,比喻乘人有危难时加以陷害( to maltreat an injured person; add insult to injury; add to the misfortunes of a man who is already unfortunate),与英文俗语 kick (one...

  • kick off 开工

    22-02-09 开工一开始的意思表示建筑工程的破土动工(start/begin construction),但在现代互联网语境下,开工更多是指休息过后重新投入工作。 如果你把开工翻成start working,会显得死板生硬,因为它仅仅描述开始工作这样一个动作。下面我们学一个形象生动的表达: kick off...

  • kick ass 非常好

    22-01-25 Kickass 非常好 这个一般用于打气。 例句: Go and kick some ass,you would do great. 去吧!你可以做得很好的! Dont be scared of him, go kick his ass. 不要怕他,给他点颜色看看!...

  • get a kick out of it 因某事感到愉快

    22-01-04 你可以用短语 get a kick out of 来形容因做某事给你带来兴奋或快乐。 例句 Im not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it! She got such a kick from the dance class that shes thinking of taking it up full time. He didnt think he wo...