18-12-23 Racial justice. Obstruction of justice. Social justice. The Justice Department. Merriam-Webster has chosen justice as its 2018 word of the year, driven by the churning news cycle over months and months. 韦氏词典近日公布其2018年度词汇为justice(司法...
16-03-03 The girl found the go-between and said, You cheated me! One of his eyes if not true. Why didn't you tell me this before? I have told you. Said the go-between with justice on his side, When you met first, I told you that he settled on you with one ey...
15-01-15 An upright judge has more regard to justice than to me. 法官能公正,重法不重人。 If the judge departs from the sentencing guideline range he must have a lawful reason for such a departure. 法官必须有合法的理由方可偏离根据判刑准则所确定的量刑范围. Ju...
14-11-25 Because contemptuous conduct interferes with the administration of justice, it is punishable, usually by fine or imprisonment. 因藐视法庭行为干扰司法职能,故应予惩罚,通常可以处罚金或监禁。 Criminal contempt is crime that is punishable by fine or im...
13-06-08 The fishes had for a long time been discontented(不满的) because no order prevailed in their kingdom. None of them turned aside for the others, but all swam to the right or the left as they fancied, or darted between those who wanted to stay toget...
12-12-12 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the government will continue to work hard to promote social justice during his last year in office. He said the government has done a lot of work over the past nine years for the social equity and justice. 温家宝总理...
12-10-24 精彩对白 Question master: 5,200 runs, with an average of 33.34, and took 383 wickets with an average... Colleague: Ian Botham. Holly: It's Ian Botham! Doug: Yeah. You sure? Colleague: Yeah, man. Brent: This has been a sanctuary , Flashy. A closed cl...
10-05-27 Amnesty International has criticised the politicisation of international justice in its annual report, which documents torture in 111 countries. 国际特赦组织在其年度报告中批评了政治化的国际正义,该报告记载了111个国家的拷问事件。 The human rights gro...
09-12-01 A gunman who shot dead four US police officers as they sat in a cafe in Washington State will be brought to justice, a police chief has vowed. 美国一位警察局长发誓,会将华盛顿州一个咖啡馆杀害四名警官的持枪歹徒缉拿归案。 Police have issued arrest war...
09-08-27 East Timorese victims of the violence of 1999 and of Indonesia's occupation have yet to receive any justice, says a report by Amnesty International. 国际特赦组织报告显示,1999年东帝汶暴力事件受害者和被印度尼西亚占领问题仍然没有获得正义的处理。 Hundr...