• 关于“开心快乐”的英文表达

    22-05-24 1. be full of the joys of spring 非常高兴;欢快 He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring. 他兴高采烈地蹦跳着进了办公室。 2. like a dog with two tails 非常开心 When Paul won the first prize he was like a dog with two tails. 保罗获得了一...

  • spring fever 初春浮躁

    21-07-21 Spring fever 其实和发烧并没有关系。这个表达通常用来形容初春天气突然转暖,人们心里感受到的一种兴奋和躁动感。 例句 The days are getting longer and warmer - I am definitely starting to feel spring fever. The university library has been very empty latel...

  • Is Your Night the Same As Mine

    12-06-07 Dark flowed through the night, When? Did the resting birds, Flight over the quiet villa, An empty villa in the season of Cape Jasmine. The figure of your back was the only scene in my view, Together with the sound of a clock on my desk, Stayed in my...
