• 《海底总动员-2》第3章

    22-12-26 Dory and Marlin went on an incredible journey across the ocean to find his son, Nemo. A year passed, and after their grand adventure, Dory decided to stay with Marlin and Nemo and join the community of the beautiful Great Barrier Reef. Dory had a co...

  • travel over mountains and rivers 跋山涉水

    22-12-13 跋山涉水,汉语成语,意思是指翻山越岭,趟水过河,形容旅途艰苦。可以翻译为travel over mountains and rivers,make an arduous journey等。 例句: 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个小村庄。 Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred...

  • 太难了,太辛苦了 上

    22-02-07 1. strenuous 2014年的流行语蛮拼的就翻译成了pretty strenuous,有挺努力的意思,又有即使已经很努力了,却没有成功的反讽意味。 His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise. 他的医生建议他不要做任何剧烈运动。 2. arduous arduous一词源自于拉丁语a...