• The Jackdaw and The Pigeons

    13-10-30 A jackdaw(寒鸦,穴鸟) , watching some pigeons in a farmyard, was filled with envy when he saw how well they were fed, and determined to disguise himself as one of them, in order to secure a share of the good things they enjoyed. So he painted hims...

  • The Escaped Jackdaw

    13-09-17 A man caught a jackdaw and tied a piece of string to one of its legs, and then gave it to his children for a pet. But the Jackdaw didn't at all like having to live with people; so, after a while, when he seemed to have become fairly tame and they di...

  • The Eagle,The Jackdaw and The Shepherd

    13-09-16 If you attempt what is beyond your power, your trouble will be wasted and you court not only misfortune but ridicule. One day a Jackdaw(寒鸦,穴鸟) saw an Eagle swoop down on a lamb and carry it off in its talons(爪) . My word, said the Jackdaw,...
