• seek instant success and quick profits 急功近利

    21-03-13 急功近利,汉语成语,意思是急于求成,贪图眼前的成效和利益。可以翻译为be eager for quick success and instant benefit,seek instant success and quick profits。 例句: 绿化荒山、治理环境并非是急功近利的事情。 Greening barren hills and improving the envi...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 27

    21-02-24 I had an idea thats who it was when you described him, said Sheriff Hardenberg, to whom Stratton returned at once with the news. Theres only one Paul around here who fits the bill, and he sure does to perfection. Who is he? asked Buck curiously. Har...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 11

    14-07-23 When I reached the top I found the brass dome and the statue exactly as the pilot had described, but was too wearied with all I had gone through to do more than glance at them, and, flinging myself under the dome, was asleep in an instant. In my dre...

  • 摩根大通将禁止员工用即时通讯聊天

    13-12-19 JP Morgan Chase has banned all staff in corporate and investment banking from participating in instant message groups that involve multiple banks or dealers. 摩根大通禁止其企业及投资银行的所有员工加入所有涉及多银行或经销商的即时信息聊天群。 This inc...
