• 《湮灭》精彩片段对白

    22-12-26 Dr. Ventress: Its the last phase. Vanished into havoc. Unfathomable mind...and now beacon. Now sea. Lena: Dr. Ventress? Dr. Ventress: Lena. We spoke. What was it we said? That I needed to know what was inside the lighthouse. That moments passed. Its...

  • know the score 了解实际情况,心中有数

    22-06-14 know the score 了解实际情况,心中有数 例句: I know the score. Dont try to fool me. 我知道事情的真相,别想糊弄我。 Please stop making excuses. I know the score and I know you are to blame. 别再找借口了,怎么回事我心中有数,我也知道这件事应该怪你。 k...

  • I'm dead. 我累死了。

    22-02-22 我们都知道dead有死了的意思,可是,当老外说Im dead时,并不是我死了。 你可别认为他在说自己死翘翘了,他是在夸张地表达:Im dead我累死了。 Im dying:我快累死了(累得感觉正在走向死亡)。 来一起看看下面的例句: I have finished all the work in advance. Im d...

  • know something inside out 对某事了如指掌

    20-11-09 表达 know something inside out 的意思是 对某件事情、某个科目或主题了如指掌、洞悉透彻。 例句 Dont worry! Youll be fine in tomorrows exam. You know the book inside out by now! 别担心!明天的考试你一定会考好的。你现在对这本书已经了如指掌了! If you eve...

  • know something inside out 对某件事情了如指掌

    20-09-08 表达 know something inside out 的意思是 对某件事情、某个科目或主题了如指掌、洞悉透彻。 例句 Dont worry! Youll be fine in tomorrows exam. You know the book inside out by now! 别担心!明天的考试你一定会考好的。你现在对这本书已经了如指掌了! If you eve...
