• 新发明:省纸节能的“去墨打印机”

    22-11-28 科学家们发明了一种名为 去墨打印机 的特殊装置,它可以吸走打印纸上的墨水,这样每张纸就可以使用十次。他们希望通过减少对办公用纸的需求来降低制浆造纸业的二氧化碳排放量。 Making paper takes lots of energy, and the pulp and paper industry is a huge emitter...

  • before the ink is dry 协议好的事很快生变;尘埃未定

    22-01-22 表达 before the ink is dry 和 the ink is still wet 的字面意思是 墨迹未干,实际意思是 正式协议或法律文件刚写好,情况就很快发生变化,也可以表示 尘埃未定,情况还可能有变。 例句 The council changed its mind on the by-pass before the ink was dry. 区政府...

  • 可以重复打印的纸张

    17-02-09 Researchers from Shandong University in east China and the University of California, Riverside in the US have created paper which can stand to be re-printed on scores of times, reported the Daily Mail in the UK. 英国《每日邮报》报道,中国山东大学和...

  • 可以迅速消除永久纹身的新型墨水

    16-06-04 Temporary tattoos have been around for a long time, but as any inking enthusiast would agree, theyre nothing compared to the real deal. 很早以前就有临时纹身这个东西了,但是正如墨水纹身爱好者所言,比起真正的纹身,临时纹身根本不值一提。 And yet, there...

  • 将有害炭物质变成打印机油墨

    15-10-23 Anirudh Sharma doesn't just want to pull harmful carbon from the air. He wants to offer a cheaper alternative to the exorbitant costs of ordinary printer ink. 阿尼鲁德夏尔马不仅想除掉空气中的有害炭物质,还希望创造一种更便宜的普通打印机油墨,解决墨水...

  • Is ink so expensive 墨水很贵吗

    14-08-21 Son: Is ink so very expensive, father? Father: Why, son, what makes you think so? Son: W...well. Mother seems quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet. 儿子:爸爸,墨水很贵吗? 父亲:不贵呀,你为什么这么想? 儿子:哦,我把墨水洒了一点在...

  • 纹身墨水中含有致癌物

    13-09-29 英国科学家表示,纹身墨水中的毒素被身体吸收后可能会致癌。他们认为,纹身墨水中的纳米颗粒进入血管后会聚集在脾脏和肾脏,从而影响身体的排毒功能。 Toxins from tattoo ink could be absorbed into the body and cause cancer, scientists have revealed. Experts b...
