• 个税专项附加扣除 special additional deductions for individua

    22-04-06 请看例句: China has announced tax-relief policies for parents rearing children under 3 years old, according to a State Council circular issued on Monday. 国务院3月28日印发通知称,照护 3岁以下婴幼儿可享受个税减免。 根据这项通知,自2022年1月1日起,纳...

  • 美国公司出售婴儿高跟鞋引质疑

    17-04-06 A US footwear company has sparked outrage among consumers and campaign groups over a range of high heeled shoes for babies. 美国一家鞋业公司因为一系列宝宝高跟鞋激起了消费者和社会运动团体的愤怒。 Pee Wee Pumps, which makes soft shoes for infants, des...

  • 人类笑声的起源

    16-08-08 When human and chimp infants are dozing, they sometimes show facial movements that resemble smiles. These facial expressions -- called spontaneous smiles -- are considered the evolutionary origin of real smiles and laughter. Researchers at Kyoto Uni...

  • 婴儿阅读产品不能提高阅读能力

    14-03-07 纽约大学的一项新研究表明,教婴儿阅读的光盘、闪卡(抽认卡)和书等产品不能帮助提高婴儿的阅读能力。 Despite all the DVDs, flashcards, and books designed to teach babies to read, these products do not help infants develop reading skills, according to a...

  • 脑干异常易引发婴儿猝死症

    13-11-12 Investigators at Boston Children's Hospital report that infants dying suddenly and unexpectedly, in both safe and unsafe sleep environments, have underlying brainstem(脑干) abnormalities and are not all normal prior to death(死亡前) . The resear...

  • 婴儿安全威胁促使人类一夫一妻制的形成

    13-07-30 The threat of infants being killed by unrelated males is the key driver of monogamy(一夫一妻制) in humans and other primates. The study by academics from UCL, University of Manchester, University of Oxford and University of Auckland, is the first...