• 美国概况 3

    21-10-09 1. The Rocky Mountains is located in _____. A. Great Britain B. Australia C. South Africa D. North America 2. Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city? A. Los Angles B. Chicago C. New York D. Washington 3. Which of...

  • 英国经济概况 3

    21-10-05 1.The main textile producing regions of Britain are the east Yorkshire and humberside, and northern Ireland. Britains textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton 、jute and linen production. But the production of high quality wo...

  • 英国概况人文知识 5

    21-10-05 1. Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper? A. The Telegraph B. The Guardian C. The News of the World D. The Times 2. The river Thames is in _____. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England D. Northern Ireland 3. The Industrial Revolution...

  • 英国考虑禁止活煮龙虾等海洋生物

    21-09-17 当提到章鱼和龙虾时,你的脑海里会想到什么?是海鲜食品还是智慧海洋生物? Some creatures are so different from us that we can only guess how aware or sentient they are. An octopus has arms that can smell and taste. They can solve problems, even escape...

  • 国家有关部门约谈腾讯、网易等网游企业

    21-09-10 近段时间以来,中央宣传部、国家新闻出版署先后发布《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》《关于开展文娱领域综合治理工作的通知》。 Chinese authorities on Wednesday summoned leading online game enterprises and platforms, including Tenc...

  • on a slippery slope 情况越来越糟,急剧下滑

    21-09-07 如果用 on a slippery slope 来形容某人或某事所处的状态,意思就是情况越来越糟,急剧下滑,如果不及时采取措施就会变得更糟 (有时也可以说 going downhill 滑坡) 。 例句 The countrys economy was on a slippery slope following the closure of its biggest indust...

  • 中央宣传部印发《关于开展文娱领域综合治理工作的通知》

    21-09-07 According to the circular issued by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chinas rapidly-growing culture and entertainment industry is still troubled with various negative phenomena such as excessively high paym...

  • 《第三次全国国土调查主要数据公报》发布

    21-08-30 日前,国务院第三次全国国土调查领导小组办公室、自然资源部、国家统计局发布《第三次全国国土调查主要数据公报》。 China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands, of which mangrove forests account for 27,100, according to the third natio...

  • 英国的海上风力发电机

    21-07-09 Thats where these latest huge wind turbines are being installed. 这些最新一批大型风力发电机就是在这里安装的。 Justin Rowlatt, BBC correspondent So to give you an idea of how big this thing is, Im gonna [going to] walk it. 贾斯汀罗拉特 BBC通讯员 为了...

  • 印度:设计和艺术专业很吃香

    21-06-09 Without any surprises, Management, Engineering and Computer Application are the Top 3 in India. 毫不意外,管理学、工程学和计算机应用是印度最热门的三个专业。 However, things get interesting when it comes to the fourth place: Design-related majors inc...