• 停火协议促使俄罗斯股市上涨

    14-09-04 Russian stocks have risen to their highest level in three months following the announcement of a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine. 俄罗斯宣布与乌克兰达成停火协议之后,俄国内股市升至三月以来最高水平。 The main Micex index gained 3.5%, while Russian g...

  • Hot Waitress Economic Index 漂亮服务员经济指数

    14-07-22 Hot Waitress Economic Index is an index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive people working as waiters/waitresses. According to the hot waitress index, the higher the number of good looking servers, the weake...

  • 印度孟买指数创新高

    13-11-02 India's main stock index, the Sensex, has hit a record high, propelled by an increased inflow of foreign capital. 受外资涌入增加的影响,印度主要股票指数,孟买指数创历史新高。 The index reached 21,293.88 early on Friday, surpassing its previous high...

  • heel index 鞋跟指数

    13-07-08 Researchers have charted the average heel height of shoes women buy and the strength of the economy since 2008. 研究人员自2008年起就开始记录女性购买鞋子的平均鞋跟高度和经济发展状况。 They say demand for super-high heels soars in a strong economy but...

  • Traffic Performance Index 交通指数

    13-05-09 According to the Traffic Performance Index , which measures congestion on a scale of zero (smooth) to 10 (snarled), Beijing hit 8.5 during the evening rush hour on Wednesday and 9.1 on roads within Third Ring Road at 7 pm. 交通指数用0到10的数字来衡...

  • Hemline Index 裙摆指数

    12-11-09 The Hemline Index is a theory presented by economist George Taylor in 1926. It is an idea that suggests women's hemlines fluctuate and can even indicate macroeconomic performance. The higher the hemline, the better the economy looks. 裙摆指数(hemli...

  • 欧洲股市持续走低

    11-08-05 European markets have continued the global shares sell off, with investors worried about both the eurozone debt crisis and the strength of the US economic recovery. 投资者对欧盟债务危机和美国经济复苏势头的顾虑导致欧洲股市继续下滑。 The UK's FTSE 100...

  • happiness index 幸福感指数

    10-11-25 一份调查报告显示,中国经济最为发达的北京、上海、深圳、浙江等省市幸福感指数最低,2009年红火的地产业带来的房价飙升令很多家庭感到痛苦。此外,健康、情商、财商、家庭责任以及社会环境被绝大多数被调查者认为是影响家庭幸福最重要的因素,且这五者相互关联,缺一...

  • 经济指标表达

    10-03-24 增长指标 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment 社会消费品零售 retail sales of consumer goods 采购经理指数 Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) 工业增加值 value-added of industry 价格指标 国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 消费者价格指数 Consumer Pri...

  • 新西兰获评全球最清廉国家

    09-11-21 非政府组织透明国际公布的2009年度清廉指数显示,在受评估的180个国家当中,新西兰以9.4分的成绩高居榜首,成为全球最清廉的国家,紧随其后的是得分9.3的丹麦,新加坡和瑞典则以9.2分并列第三。冲突不断的索马里和阿富汗分别以1.1分和1.3分在排名中垫底。该清廉指数采...