• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 43

    22-07-18 On Tuesdays and Fridays masters spent the morning at Amitranos, criticising the work done. In France the painter earns little unless he paints portraits and is patronised by rich Americans; and men of reputation are glad to increase their incomes by...

  • knock-on effect 连带效应

    21-07-08 表达knock-on effect用来特指某一件事对其它相关联的人或事件产生的附带效应。这是一个英式表达,用来描述不可避免且间接产生的影响。和knock-on effect含义相近的说法包括ripple effect 连锁反应和domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应,但这三个表达所涉及的范围、广度有所...

  • 女性晚婚事业收入高

    13-03-24 A study has found that marrying later in life is financially beneficial for women, but not for men. 一项研究发现,晚婚在财政上对女性有利,但对男性却不利。 The University of Virginia has published a report that college-educated women who wed in their...

  • 日本年轻女性收入超过男性

    10-10-23 Not only can young Japanese women look forward to a longer life than their male peers, now they also make more money. 日本年轻女性不但预期寿命会比男性长,如今她们赚的钱也比男性多。 Income for single women under 30 hit an average of 218,156 yen ($2,6...
