• feel a sudden urge to do something 心血来潮

    20-10-22 心血来潮,汉语成语,形容一时冲动,忽然起了某个念头。可以翻译为be prompted by a sudden impulse; be seized by a whim。常用表达如心血来潮想做某事(feel a sudden urge to do something)。 例句: 心血来潮改变原计划,那怎么行呢? How can we change our origi...

  • 世界最大的太阳能飞机到达中国

    15-03-31 The sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 has landed in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing. 由太阳能驱动的太阳脉冲2号已降落于中国西南部城市重庆。 With the familiar line of LEDs on the front, Solar Impulse 2, the world\s only solar powered aircraft, fl...
