• improve,enhance,promote

    20-10-31 Improve 、enhance 和 promote 都是动词。其中,improve 和 enhance 所表达的意思比较接近,而 promote 的意思与前者比区别较大,所以我们对它进行单独讲解。我们先来对比 improve 和 enhance 之间的区别。 Improve 和 enhance 都可以表示 让某事物变得更好。Improve...

  • constantly strive to become stronger 自强不息

    20-09-17 自强不息,汉语成语,意思是自己努力向上,强大自己,永不懈怠停息(one should strive continuously to strengthen himself)。可以翻译为constantly strive to become stronger;make unremitting efforts to improve oneself。 这是中国人参照天体运行状态树立的理...

  • working style 工作作风

    13-09-07 Many provincial Party committees have created detailed policies to improve their working style , as required by the country's core leadership. 多省党委均已按照中央领导集体要求,制定出改进工作作风的详细政策。 Working style就是工作作风,新一届中央领导...

  • Three Ways To Restore A Relationship

    13-05-17 A long term relationship is always going to have its moments of light and shade, good and bad. That is human nature, for better or for worse(不管怎样) - heck it is even included in the marriage vows. If you find that your relationship is limping a...
