• positive growth in foreign trade in goods 货物贸易正增长

    21-01-17 海关总署1月14日发布数据,2020年我国货物贸易进出口总值32.16万亿元,同比增长1.9%,在新冠肺炎疫情和单边主义、保护主义等多重压力之下创历史新高,成为全球唯一实现货物贸易正增长的主要经济体。 China emerged in 2020 as the worlds only major economy to have r...

  • 2021年禁止以任何方式进口固体废物

    20-12-01 China will ban all imports of solid waste from Jan 1, 2021, authorities have said.The dumping, stacking and disposal of waste products from overseas on Chinese territory will also be banned, according to the notice. 《公告》明确,从2021年1月1日起,...

  • 中国允许从美国进口大米

    18-12-29 China has allowed imports of rice from the United States, said the General Administration of Customs in a statement on its website Friday. 海关总署周五在官网上宣布,中国已允许从美国进口大米。 A list of inspection standards and quarantine requirement...

  • 中国将禁止进口废弃船只

    18-12-24 China will ban imports of waste foreign vessels to protect the environment, China Daily reported Monday. 《中国日报》周一报道,中国将禁止进口外国废弃船只以保护环境。 The countrys ship-breaking yards, which have been tearing apart the worlds retired...

  • 中国对33个非洲国家减免关税

    18-08-28 Chinas Deputy Commerce Minister Qian Keming says that China has given tariff exemptions to 97 percent of imports from 33 developing African countries that have diplomatic ties with China. 中国商务部副部长钱克明表示,中国已向33个与中国建交的非洲发展...

  • 南美成中国进口大豆主要来源

    18-07-11 China Grain Reserves Corporation (Sinograin) has reportedly not purchased soybeans from the United States since April, and an increasing majority of its purchases of imported soy has come from countries in South America, according to Peoples Daily....

  • 美国对中国的出口潜力巨大

    17-05-26 The Chinese Ministry of Commerce has provided more details to demonstrate the great growth potential in U.S. exports to China. 中国商务部列出更多细节以展示美国商品出口中国的巨大发展潜力。 A research report from the ministry says Chinas total imports...
