• 荒唐挑战:一个人的脑袋上能放多少文具

    16-05-07 Two U.K. students show how much stationery a persons head can hold in a throwdown on Twitter. Its as absurd as it sounds. 两名英国学生在推特上发起了一项挑战:一个人的脑袋上最多能放多少文具。光听名字你就该猜到这事儿有多荒唐了。 Apparently, studying f...

  • 俄罗斯某咖啡馆厕纸用奥巴马头像

    16-04-09 The opening of a cafe devoted to Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised eyebrows over its use of Western leaders images in the toilets. 一家以俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京为主题的咖啡馆近日开业,其厕所内挂着的西方国家的领导人肖像真是让人大跌眼镜。 T...

  • 英国皇家铸币厂推出彼得兔纪念币

    16-03-08 The Royal Mint has chosen Beatrix Potter's thieving Peter Rabbit as the first character from children's literature ever to appear on a UK coin. 英国皇家铸币厂将首次把儿童文学中的角色印到硬币上,而这款硬币的主角就是儿童画家碧雅翠丝波特笔下爱偷东西的...

  • 给自己的猫咪做个特朗普造型吧

    16-03-07 Internet pranksters have started posting photographs of cats which look like US presidential hopeful Donald Trump. 喜欢恶搞的网友们盯上美国总统候选人唐纳德特朗普(又译川普)了:给各自的猫咪做个特朗普造型,再把图片发到网上。 Cat owners have been post...

  • 怎样自拍更好看

    15-11-06 If you've ever wondered what makes the perfect selfie, some of the world's most powerful computers have been pondering the same question. 如果你在琢磨怎样自拍更好看,世界上最强大的电脑也在思考着同样的问题。 Researchers have trained a neural network...

  • 波特兰两位基友将胡子变新奇艺术之作

    15-07-24 Two gay men from Portland have become social media stars thanks to their incredible ability to turn their burly beards into fanciful works of art, before sharing images of their whimsical creations on Instagram. 来自波特兰的两位同性恋者,凭借其非凡...

  • 女生发自拍的真正意义

    15-06-23 Model Holly Carpenter, 23, from Dublin, has decided to address the subject head-on by revealing the secret meaning behind women's Snapchat photos. 来自都柏林的23岁女模Holly Carpenter决定来点直接的,她在网络上揭示了女生发自拍的真正意义。 Holly, who w...

  • 增大组织样本以获取高质量图像

    15-01-20 Beginning with the invention of the first microscope in the late 1500s, scientists have been trying to peer into preserved cells and tissues with ever-greater magnification. The latest generation of so-called super-resolution microscopes can see ins...

  • 将手机作为数据收集工具

    14-08-19 Leaf measurements are often critical in plant physiological and ecological studies, but traditional methods have been time consuming and sometimes destructive to plant samples. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have developed Easy...

  • 寻找吴哥窟中消失的艺术

    14-06-05 Long-lost paintings have been discovered on the walls of Cambodia's ancient Angkor Wat temple, thanks to the keen observations of an Australian National University (ANU) researcher. The ancient paintings date back almost 500 years and depict deities...