• 死亡

    22-08-15 我们中国人通常都很忌讳说死这个字,古代按照等级的划分有天子死曰崩,诸侯死曰薨,大夫死曰卒,士曰不禄,庶人曰死的说法,现在我们会说一个人离开了我们、走了等。英语同样忌言死,虽然有die这个词,但口语中人们一般不用 die来直说死亡。 pass away和pass on都是暗...

  • 《我不是药神》8句虐心台词

    22-03-02 1. 五百。 500 hundred yuan a bottle. 2. 世界上只有一种病,就是穷...

  • be beyond cure/recovery 病入膏肓

    21-12-20 病入膏肓,汉语成语,字面意思是the disease has spread to the vital organs,指病到无法医治的地步,也比喻事情到了无可挽回的地步。可以翻译为be beyond cure/recovery,be incurably ill,be at deaths door from illness等。 例句: 这个病人已病入膏肓,没有多少...

  • 威廉王子被曝曾在四月感染新冠但秘而不宣

    20-11-04 The Duke of Cambridge was struck down with coronavirus in April but kept the diagnosis secret so as not to worry anyone, it has emerged. 有消息曝出,剑桥公爵(威廉王子)曾在四月感染新冠病毒,但是他一直将诊断结果保密以免让任何人担心。 The Duke, 38, i...

  • 和疾病相关的英语词汇表达

    20-03-12 Illnesses that use the article a/an cold cough cut eye infection fever headache stomachache sore throat toothache sunburn Illnesses that use the article the flu hiccups measles Illnesses that use no article AIDS cancer diarrhea dry skin insomnia mal...

  • 雅皮士流感一种真实存在的疾病

    15-03-27 The debilitating condition once derided as 'yuppie flu' is a genuine illness, researchers say. 雅皮士流感是一种能让人慢慢衰竭的疾病,虽然曾经受到诸多嘲讽,但研究人员称,这其实是一种真实存在的...

  • 老人结草

    14-11-12 Wei wuzi, a high minister of the state of Jin ordered his son Wei Ke: after he died, let the concubine who had not borne a son marry someone else, instead of burying her alive with him, which was the custom of that time. When he was in the height of...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 8

    14-07-23 Yes, sire, answered the dervish; if I am not mistaken, it is the illness of the princess which has procured(获得) me this honour. You are right, returned the Sultan, and you will give me fresh life if you can by your prayers deliver my daughter fr...

  • 美国少女患罕见疾病 阿狄森氏病

    14-06-03 Many teenagers have a phobia of exams - but for Jennifer Lloyd it could KILL her. 许多青少年有考试恐惧症但对于珍妮弗劳埃德来说,考试会杀了她。 Brainy Jennifer has a rare condition called Addison's disease, meaning her body reacts to stress by shutti...