• 南极洲存在150万年历史的冰芯

    13-11-06 How far into the past can ice-core records go? Scientists have now identified regions in Antarctica they say could store information about Earth's climate and greenhouse gases extending as far back as 1.5 million years, almost twice as old as the ol...

  • 北极海冰融化导致欧洲西南部降雨量增加

    13-10-29 A new study offers an explanation for the extraordinary run of wet summers experienced by Britain and northwest Europe between 2007 and 2012. The study found that loss of Arctic sea ice shifts the jet stream further south than normal resulting in in...

  • 细菌如何在冰冻环境中生存

    13-10-11 Most microbial researchers grow their cells in petri-dishes to study how they respond to stress and damaging conditions. But, with the support of funding from NASA, researchers in LSU's Department of Biological Sciences tried something almost unhear...

  • Buy the ice

    13-10-10 Once a simpleton's wife told him to buy some ice. Two hours later, he didn't come back. She wanted to know why he didn't come back and went out to have a look. She saw he was standing in the sun at the gate and watching the ice melting. What's the m...

  • 南极冰川下有巨大的冰渠

    13-10-07 Scientists have discovered huge ice channels beneath a floating ice shelf in Antarctica. At 250 metres high, the channels are almost as tall as the Eiffel tower and stretch hundreds of kilometres along the ice shelf. The channels are likely to influ...

  • 白垩纪晚期似乎是无冰雪时期

    13-09-25 For years, scientists have thought that a continental ice sheet formed during the Late Cretaceous Period more than 90 million years ago when the climate was much warmer than it is today. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found evidence su...

  • 南极冰原2千万年前已存在

    13-09-05 The results of research conducted by professors at UC Santa Barbara and colleagues mark the beginning of a new paradigm for our understanding of the history of Earth's great global ice sheets. The research shows that, contrary to the popularly held...

  • 土卫泰坦星表面覆盖坚硬的风化冰层

    13-08-29 An analysis of gravity and topography(地势) data from Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has revealed unexpected features of the moon's outer ice shell. The best explanation for the findings, the authors said, is that Titan's ice shell is rigid and tha...

  • 北极海冰减少影响沿海植被

    13-08-24 Sea ice decline and warming trends are changing the vegetation in nearby arctic coastal areas, according to two University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists. Uma Bhatt, an associate professor with UAF's Geophysical Institute, and Skip Walker, a profess...

  • 500万年全球曾变暖使海平面上升

    13-07-22 Global warming five million years ago may have caused parts of Antarctica's large ice sheets to melt and sea levels to rise by approximately 20 metres, scientists report today in the journal Nature Geoscience. The researchers, from Imperial College...