• 《冰雪奇缘》第5章

    23-01-29 In the streets below, Anna was strolling dreamily around the harbor, watching the ships and imagining all the fun the coronation party would bring. For once, it wouldnt matter that Elsa didnt want to spend time with her, because shed be spending tim...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 8

    22-09-13 It was too late to call up for a cab or anything, so I walked the whole way to the station. It wasnt too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the a...

  • do a number on someone 捉弄、欺骗某人

    22-05-09 Do a number on someone Definition: trick someone, cheat someone, hurt someone very badly 定义:捉弄、欺骗某人,深深地伤害某人 Im afraid she did a number on him when she broke up. 我担心她提出分手对他伤害很深。 That guy did a number on John to the tu...

  • 扎心了

    22-04-21 1. Sting 这个词大家都知道,可以表示刺,也指刺痛,跟扎心的扎感觉也是蛮配的。 例:His words stung her. 他的话刺痛了她。 2. Hurt 这个词小伙伴们更是再熟悉不过了,可是你们会想着要用吗?这里表示使痛心、使受伤,形容被别人深深伤害到也还挺合适的~ 例:I was d...

  • 10句温柔而残忍的婉转语 上

    22-04-08 1. How do I put this gently... 我要怎么才能温柔地告诉你 真实含义: This is going to hurt. 下面我要说的可能比较伤人。 2. Youre gonna hate me for this... 你不会喜欢这个 真实含义: Because Im about to say something horrible. 因为我要告诉你一些可怕的事...

  • 疼痛

    22-02-07 疼痛是人的本能,有了痛觉,我们才能更好地管理自己的身体。 在描述疼痛上,中文较于英文更user-friendly。咱们中国人描述疼痛无非就是疼字或痛字,比如: 牙疼(痛);头疼(痛);肚子疼(痛)。 疼和痛可以替换,没啥区别,学习起来也比较方便。但是在英文中,描述...

  • thick-skinned 厚脸皮

    21-11-23 生活中,有人脸皮厚如城墙,而有人脸皮却薄如纸片。 厚脸皮,中文俗语,比喻某人的言语行动不知羞耻(shameless),或形容面对批评面不改色的人(someone who is not easily hurt by criticism),英文可以翻译为thick-skinned,cheeky。成语厚颜无耻便是指脸皮厚,不...

  • behave in an affected way 花言巧语

    21-08-16 装模作样,汉语成语,意思是故作姿态,故意装作了不起的样子。可以翻译为behave in an affected way,be affected,或put on an act等。 例句: 她并不是真的受伤了,只不过装模作样而已。 Shes not really hurt; its just pretence. 她那装模作样的劲儿真令人作呕。 H...

  • pain、ache、hurt、sore

    21-02-07 首先来讲 ache。 ache所描述的疼痛通常发生在身体的某个部位,持续时间较长,但强度不高。比如:headache(头痛),stomachache(肚子痛),toothache(牙痛),earache(耳朵痛)。 ache描述的疼痛一般不会影响你正常生活,你可以忍受它们,甚至可以ignore them。 而...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 2

    21-01-21 Neither spoke for a minute, astonishment being too great for words; then, as by one impulse, both stole up and touched the cake with a timid finger, quite prepared to see it fly away in some mysterious and startling manner. It remained sitting tranq...