• 美国五任前总统同台筹集善款

    17-10-22 All five living former presidents of the United States took to the stage Saturday night at a benefit concert here to raise funds for the victims of recent hurricanes that hit various parts of the country. 本周六晚,美国在世的五任前总统在一场慈善音乐...

  • 卡特里娜飓风两年过后10%的母亲经历过抑郁

    15-09-06 About 10 percent of mothers experienced chronic, persistent depressive symptoms two years after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, killing more than 1,800 people, displacing hundreds of thousands and causing widespread damage estimated a...

  • 墨西哥拉斯卡伯斯度假村遭飓风袭击

    14-09-15 Hurricane Odile has hit the resort of Los Cabos in western Mexico, uprooting trees and confining thousands of holidaymakers to their hotels. 飓风奥黛尔袭击墨西哥西部拉斯卡伯斯度假村,连根拔除树木、数千度假者被迫待在酒店中。 The authorities in Los Ca...

  • 飓风玛丽在加州海域形成罕见巨浪

    14-08-28 Waves as high as 6m in southern California have damaged waterfront homes, knocked out pier pilings and attracted scores of surfers. 加州南部海域惊现高达六米的海浪,损毁了滨海地区的房屋、撞倒码头上的桩基并袭击了大量冲浪者。 The waves are the result o...

  • 美国东海岸还将遭受飓风侵袭

    13-10-19 Almost a year after Hurricane Sandy, parts of New York and New Jersey are still recovering from billions of dollars in flood damage. Tufts University geologist Andrew Kemp sees the possibility of damage from storms smaller than Sandy in the future....

  • Hurricane Season

    13-08-20 Hurricane Season John Hennessy Those red and yellow windbreakers signal how little time's left for spending and selling; signing sleeves unravel the seams of a flattened horizon as fast as hands pull wallets from pockets or unstitch sow's-ear purses...

  • 古巴被飓风仙蒂“严重打击”

    12-11-05 Cuban President Raul Castro says the eastern province of Santiago was hard hit by Hurricane Sandy. 古巴总统劳尔卡斯特罗称,东部省区圣地亚哥受到飓风仙蒂严重打击。 Eleven people died and more than 188,000 homes were damaged as the storm passed over Cu...