• 专治驼背

    15-07-28 In the past, a man claimed to be a specialist in curing hunchbacks. His signboard read: I specialize in curing hunchbacks. No matter whether you are hunchbacked like a bow, a shrimp, a basket for rinsing rice or a rice pot, I guarantee that once I s...

  • The Little Hunchback 3

    14-06-11 Worshipful sir, he began, this Mussulman whom you desire to hang is unworthy of death; I alone am guilty. Last night a man and a woman who were strangers to me knocked at my door, bringing with them a patient for me to cure. The servant opened it, b...

  • The Little Hunchback 2

    14-06-11 But when he had got over the first shock he began to think of some way out of the difficulty, and seizing the hunchback in his arms he carried him out into the street, and leaning him against the wall of a shop he stole back to his own house, withou...

  • The Little Hunchback 1

    14-06-11 In the kingdom of Kashgar, which is, as everybody knows, situated on the frontiers of Great Tartary, there lived long ago a tailor and his wife who loved each other very much. One day, when the tailor was hard at work, a little hunchback(驼背) cam...
