• 2022年将有哪些佳片上映 上

    22-01-10 Belle《龙和雀斑公主》 This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last Mays Cannes Film Festival and its easy to see why. Mamoru Hosodas dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-scho...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 31

    21-11-29 Mr. and Mrs. Morlands surprise on being applied to by Mr. Tilney for their consent to his marrying their daughter was, for a few minutes, considerable, it having never entered their heads to suspect an attachment on either side; but as nothing, afte...

  • 颜值影响讲笑话的效果

    15-09-15 If you're looking for a mate with a good sense of humour, their ability to tell a joke may be less important than you think. 如果你想找一位幽默的伴侣,他们讲笑话的能力或许并没有你想象得那么重要。 For scientists say that whether we laugh or not depen...

  • The English humour

    14-12-22 Fun seems to be the possession of the English race. Fun is JohnBulll's idea of humour, and there is no intellectualjudgment in fun. Everybody understands it be-cause it is practical. More than that, it unites allclasses and sweetens even political l...

  • 研究:长得帅的男人更风趣

    13-03-10 It has long been said that a man with a good sense of humour can laugh a woman in to bed, despite his looks. 一直以来,人们都认为,一个幽默的男人能让女人开心,把女人哄上床,不论他相貌如何。 Now researchers believe the opposite may also be true - tha...

  • 孩子的幽默感来自父母

    12-09-17 Children get their sense of humour from their parents as a study has found babies as young as six months learn to laugh at the same thing as their mothers and fathers. 孩子的幽默感是从父母那里习得的,一项研究发现,六月大的婴儿就能学会对父母感到好笑...
