• 错失恐惧症

    21-02-25 你是不是狂热地追赶时尚?在我们当中有很多人迷恋最新的手机游戏和玩具,以至于沉浸在这些游戏的虚幻世界中。我们为什么会迷恋虚拟游戏和昙花一现的潮流呢? Have you got an addictive nature? Are you unable to stop yourself joining in with the latest obsession...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 3

    21-02-24 But Strattons mind was too full of the amazing information he had gleaned from the old storekeeper to leave much room for minor reflections. He had been stunned at first--so completely floored that anyone save the garrulous old man intent on making...

  • Hope springs eternal 希望之泉永不尽

    20-11-08 人们用 hope springs eternal 这句话来表达 希望总是存在的,即使它看起来不太可能。它可以被用来描述一件不太可能发生但我们希望它发生的事情。 这个说法出自18世纪英国诗人亚历山大蒲柏(Alexander Pope)的诗歌《人论》,诗中写道:Hope springs eternal in the hum...

  • 墨西哥的 “水下王国”

    20-10-11 Through the darkness and into an underwater kingdom (in Mexico). 穿过黑暗的水底,进入墨西哥的水下王国。 Here, scientists hope to find clues which could unravel prehistoric mysteries. And they did. The divers discovered a perfectly preserved cave wit...

  • Little Women - Chapter 36

    20-09-28 When Jo came home that spring, she had been struck with the change in Beth. No one spoke of it or seemed aware of it, for it had come too gradually to startle those who saw her daily, but to eyes sharpened by absence, it was very plain and a heavy w...

  • 机器翻译能打败人工翻译吗

    20-09-19 For me, it was bacon. There I was, standing in the streets of Medellin, Colombia, looking hungrily at a delicious empanada. The sign read queso y tocino. Because Id got my tongue round some essential Spanish vocabulary, I knew that queso was cheese....

  • piercing eye 火眼金睛

    20-08-28 火眼金睛,原指《西游记》(Journey to the West )中孙悟空能识别妖魔鬼怪的眼睛。后用以形容人的眼光锐利,能够洞察一切( take in all with ones observant eyes),可以翻译为 piercing eye;eagle-eyed,sharp-sighted。 例句: 孙悟空火眼金睛,妖魔鬼怪辨得清。...

  • 智利发现美洲最古老的足印

    19-04-28 Scientists in Chile say they have found a footprint dating from at least 15,600 years ago, making it the earliest such sign of mans presence in the Americas. 智利科学家发现一个至少有15600年历史的足印,成为美洲最早的人类存在印记。 The footprint was f...

  • 中国科学家制造基因改良人类血管细胞

    19-01-21 Chinese scientists produced the worlds first genetically-engineered human blood vessel cells, providing a promising option for therapeutic use. 中国科学家制造出世界第一个基因工程人类血管细胞,为相关治疗带来了希望。 The study published on Thursday in...

  • 中国科学家分析人脑前额皮质

    18-03-21 Chinese scientists have analyzed the developmental landscape of the human prefrontal cortex (PFC), considered the CPU of the human brain, to get a better understanding of the organ. 中国科学家分析了人脑前额皮质(被认为是人脑的中央处理器)的发展格局...