• 中国将现场督导酒店卫生问题

    18-12-04 Chinas Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) is looking to send examination teams to a string of hotels that were exposed by the media as allegedly having serious hygiene problems. 中国文化和旅游部将向一些由媒体曝光有严重卫生问题的酒店派遣检查组。 A...

  • 意大利酒店为备孕夫妇送福利

    16-12-06 Hotels in the Italian city of Assisi are doing their bit to boost the countrys flagging birth rate by offering a free holiday to couples who conceive there. 为提振全国持续下降的生育率,意大利阿西西市的酒店为备孕夫妇送福利夫妻若在酒店住宿期间怀孕即可...

  • love hotels 情侣酒店

    16-04-19 According to Ctrip, one of the most popular ticket-booking websites in China, many love hotels had reported full occupancy by January end - two weeks before February 14, which is celebrated Valentines Day. 据中国最流行的票务预订网站携程网指出,很多...

  • 全球百城宾馆排名 伦敦最差

    13-02-03 Visitors to London have marked its hotels as the worst in a list of 100 cities due to overpriced minibars, lousy breakfasts and slow service, according to a survey released on Friday. 周五进行的一项调查显示,到访伦敦的游客在一份百座城市宾馆排名名单...

  • 洛杉矶将关停私营非法“月子旅馆”

    13-02-03 美国加利福尼亚州大洛杉矶郡郡长日前表示要对当地的私营月子旅馆采取打击行动,并最终关停所有非法运营的月子旅馆。 A Los Angeles official moved on Tuesday to crack down on so-called maternity hotels he said have sprung up across parts of Southern Californ...
