• 人们为什么爱看恐怖片

    21-12-07 虽然不是人人都爱看恐怖片,但却有不少人对这类电影情有独钟。除了享受被吓得 魂飞魄散 的感觉,还有没有其它的因素? Whats your favourite genre of film? For many people who love being petrified, or scared out of their wits, by jump scares that answer will...

  • 《Black Swan》黑天鹅

    20-11-28 Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis. The plot revolves around a production of Tchaikovskys Swan Lake ballet by a prestigious N...

  • 《The Sixth Sense》第六感

    20-11-28 The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American psychological horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. In this tense tale of psychological terror, Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) is a child psychologist whose new patient has a problem far outside...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 50

    15-06-15 ...with Kie we'd really be able to perform wonders. Both he and his wife, they say, immolated victims daily and would have them live twenty-four hours in death's cruelest agonies, and in such a state of suffering that they were constantly on the ver...

  • 看恐怖片消耗的热量增多

    12-11-02 Watching a horror film could burn off a whole bar of chocolate, according to new research released today. 根据今天发布的最新研究,观看一部恐怖片让人消耗的热量相当于一根巧克力棒所含的热量。 Viewers who put themselves through 90 minutes of adrenaline...

  • 《电锯惊魂》有望成为成功的恐怖电影

    10-07-25 《电锯惊魂》系列电影的制作人近日表示,该片有望作为最成功的恐怖电影系列被载入《吉尼斯世界纪录》。《电锯惊魂》是2004年出品的恐怖片,至今已推出六部,都是在每年万圣节与观众见面。《电锯惊魂7》,也就是该系列的最后一部影片,预计将在2010年10月29日登陆北美影...
