• 蜂巢腊胶能促进毛发生长

    14-12-11 Hair loss can be devastating for the millions of men and women who experience it. Now scientists are reporting that a substance from honeybee hives might contain clues for developing a potential new therapy. They found that the material, called prop...

  • 家养蜜蜂的某些疾病已扩散于野生蜂类

    14-02-23 Diseases that are common in managed honeybee colonies are now widespread in the UK's wild bumblebees, according to research published in Nature. The study suggests that some diseases are being driven into wild bumblebee populations from managed hone...

  • 柴油废气影响蜜蜂对花香的辨别力

    13-10-07 Exposure to common air pollutants found in diesel(柴油) exhaust pollution can affect the ability of honeybees to recognise floral odours, new University of Southampton research shows. Honeybees use floral odours to help locate, identify and recogn...

  • 杀虫剂使蜜蜂基因发生改变

    13-07-03 New research by academics at The University of Nottingham has shown that exposure to a neonicotinoid(新烟碱) insecticide causes changes to the genes of the honeybee. The study, published in the online journal PLOS ONE, supports the recent decision...

  • 农药的使用导致蜜蜂数量下降

    12-01-13 Honeybee populations have been in serious decline for years, and Purdue University scientists may have identified one of the factors that cause bee deaths around agricultural fields. Analyses of bees found dead in and around hives from several apiar...

  • 人造丝线研究向实现迈进了一大步

    10-03-04 CSIRO scientist Dr Tara Sutherland and her team have achieved another important milestone in the international quest(追求,寻找) to artificially produce insect silk. They have hand-drawn fine threads of honeybee silk from a 'soup' of silk proteins...

  • Honeybees sterilise their hives 蜜蜂使蜂箱杀菌

    09-07-24 Honeybees sterilise their hives with antimicrobial resin, scientists have discovered. 科学家发现,蜜蜂通过抗菌树脂来使蜂箱无菌。 Bees thrive in a clean colony In doing so, they give the whole colony a form of social immunity, which lessens the need...
