• 赏心悦目的家居设计

    23-01-29 说到室内设计,你是更注重舒适感还是外观?不论是家具装饰的摆放位置、装修材料的色彩和纹理,还是灯光的选配,都会影响居住者的心情。 Our environments can affect the way we feel. This is not a new concept after all, the traditional practice of feng shui ha...

  • 《超能陆战队》第5章

    23-01-28 Tadashi came home the next day and stapled an SFIT poster over one of Hiros bot-fighting posters. It announced SFITs annual Tech Showcasethose entrants with the best tech would win admission to the school. Hiro read it and looked at Tadashi in disbe...

  • 《沉睡魔咒》第18章

    23-01-28 Maleficent slowly and sadly made her way back to the glen. While she wasnt there to witness it, she knew exactly what Aurora was going to do next. She was going to race home, grab the horse from the cottages small stable, and take off. She would gal...

  • 《机器人总动员》第28章

    22-12-14 On the broken freeway overpass where his master had left him, WALL Es lonely cockroach was still obediently waiting. Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the ground. Gently at first, the ground began to shake. The little roach looked back at the sky. A d...

  • 与“度假”有关的词汇

    22-11-10 每到夏季,大多数英国人会携上家人或约上好友去度假放松。在英语里,除了holiday以外,人们还会用哪些单词和短语来表示跟团游,周末游? 1. British people often refer to going away on a short holiday as a what? a) a gotaway b) a getaway c) a goneaway d) a ge...

  • 用单词like表喜好

    22-10-19 1. If something feels comfortable, like your home, its... a) homey b) homely c) homelike 2. What part of speech is like in this sentence? What does Ginger like? a) noun b) verb c) preposition 3. When do you use like as a preposition? a) When asking...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 15

    22-10-17 THE EVENTS that would deal Macon-do its fatal blow were just showing themselves when they brought Meme Buendas son home. The public situation was so uncertain then that no one had sufficient spirit to become involved with private scandals, so that F...

  • lagom 适当

    22-10-12 在瑞典,有这么一条社会行为准则,那就是lagom。lagom这个词的大致意思是刚好够、中庸、适当以及其他你可以从字典中找到的同义词。在论及社会行为时,这个词意味着适当地调和,不要极端地表露感情。 First, the Danes brought us hygge - the concept of creating a wa...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 18

    22-09-14 Amerigo Bonasera lived only a few blocks from his undertaking establishment on Mulberry Street and so always went home for supper. Evenings he returned to his place of business, dutifully joining those mourners paying their respects to the dead who...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 26

    22-09-14 Thats all Im going to tell about. I could probably tell you what I did after I went home, and how I got sick and all, and what school Im supposed to go to next fall, after I get out of here, but I dont feel like it. I really dont. That stuff doesnt...