• 维生素D "阳光维生素"

    22-12-12 多年前,科学家就发现晒太阳可以补充维生素D。当人体皮肤表层的7-脱氢胆固醇遇到阳光里的紫外线后,就会生成这种维生素。人体内源性维生素D约80%在皮肤表皮合成,仅20%从食物中摄取,所以维生素D也被称为阳光维生素。 The connection between sunlight and bone health...

  • 贝克汉姆来中国推广健康生活方式

    18-09-25 British football star David Beckham came to China as the global ambassador of the American International Assurance China Company (AIA) to share the importance of a healthy lifestyle with Chinese children. 英国足球明星大卫贝克汉姆作为美国国际保险公司...

  • 健康的饮食可减少心脏病患者发病几率

    12-12-05 A heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish significantly reduces the chance of a second heart attack and stroke in people with cardiovascular disease, McMaster University researchers have found. A five-year study of almost 32,000 patie...