• 美男子为享受免费医疗而抢银行

    11-06-25 美国一名59岁的男子为了能够享受监狱里的免费医疗服务,到银行要求抢劫1美元,之后坐等警察到来。他表示,之所以选择抢银行是因为他觉得监狱是他获取治疗的最佳场所。 James Richard Verone, who is charged with the $1 robbery of a RBC Bank in North Carolina, has...

  • 美国国会最终投票通过医改法案

    10-03-26 The landmark US healthcare reform law, which extends coverage to 32 million more Americans, has passed its final Congress vote. 涉及到3200万美国人的、具有里程碑意义的医疗改革法案已通过美国国会最终投票。 The US House of Representatives backed amendme...

  • 奥巴马敦促实行医改

    10-02-28 Two days after the White House hosted an inconclusive summit on healthcare reform, President Barack Obama has urged Americans to find common ground. 两天前,奥巴马在白宫举行了一场关于医疗改革的高级会议,但是未达成任何决议,日前奥巴马敦促美国人寻找利...

  • 医疗保险赔偿的变化不一定能为病人节省开支

    10-02-09 Increased Medicare payments to physicians for outpatient(门诊病人) surgeries for bladder cancer(膀胱癌) have led to a dramatic rise in the number of these procedures being performed and an overall increase in cost to the healthcare system. That...

  • 奥巴马总统欢呼参议院医疗改革投票

    09-12-22 US President Barack Obama has hailed the Senate's healthcare vote as a big victory for the American people. 美国总统奥巴马高呼参议院的医疗保健投票是对美国人民的重大胜利。 Senators voted in the early hours of Monday to end debate on a compromise折衷...

  • 奥巴马号召议员支持其医改方案

    09-12-07 US President Barack Obama has appeared before Senate Democrats to persuade them to support his healthcare plans. 美国总统奥巴马出席参议院民主党会议,劝说他们支持自己的医疗改革方案。 Obama said voters would reward Democrats for decades In a rare week...

  • 美国参议院将就医疗改革进行深入讨论

    09-11-22 Democrats in the US Senate say they have now secured the votes they need to begin a full debate on a bill designed to overhaul healthcare provision. 美国参议院民主党成员称,他们准备就医疗改革方案进行一场全面的辩论。 Mr Reid's bill is more than 2,000...

  • 美国众议院通过奥巴马医疗改革方案

    09-11-08 The US House of Representatives has backed a healthcare bill in a step towards reforms promised by President Obama, despite strong opposition. 美国众议院力排众议,支持奥巴马总统提出的医疗改革方案。 Passed in a narrow 220-215 vote, the bill aims to e...

  • Pfizer agrees record fraud fine 辉瑞同意支付欺诈案罚款

    09-09-03 US drugmaker Pfizer has agreed to pay $2.3bn (1.4bn) in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. 美国制药商Pfizer决定支付23亿美元赔款,这是美国司法部历史上最大的医疗保健欺诈案。 Pfizer has said it wants to...

  • Obama may soften healthcare plan 奥巴马可能放缓健康改革计划

    09-08-17 President Barack Obama's administration has signalled that its healthcare reforms may be diluted, amid pressure from opponents. 美国总统奥巴马政府通告健康改革迫于竞争对手的压力,计划可能会放缓。 Ms Sebelius said the public option plan was not the es...