• danger,peril,hazard

    20-10-31 这三个词在词典里都有 危险 这个释义,而且都可以用来谈论能给人带来危险或者伤害的事物。不过,要想恰当地使用这三个词,不能只看词典里给出的汉语翻译,还应该结合语境学习它们的具体用法。 下面,我们就来讲一讲如何正确地使用名词 danger、peril 和 hazard。 首先...

  • 自然灾害风险评估

    14-05-26 Wildfires and flooding affect many more people in the USA than earthquakes and landslide and yet the dread, the perceived risk, of the latter two is much greater than for those hazards that are more frequent and cause greater loss of life. Research...

  • 职业危害 occupational hazard

    09-08-30 从下个月起,凡是违犯职业危害法规的中国企业和工厂将被强制关闭,并处以最高额为30万元的罚款。 请看《中国日报》的报道: If an employee's health has been affected by dust, toxic substances and other harmful factors during occupational activities, those h...
