• 《博物馆奇妙夜3》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. New Yorks glitterati have all turned out... for what has promised to be a memorable evening... filled with the dazzling special effects... and technical wizardry. 今晚纽约名流齐聚一堂,注定将是个令人难忘的夜晚,这里有令人眼花缭乱的特效和精彩的魔...

  • hang的常见用法

    22-12-02 hang, HANG 是个多义词,我们下面就来介绍它最常见的用法。 先来单看动词 hang,它最常见的用法是 挂、悬挂,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词使用,用来表示 物体的顶端附着在另一个物体上面。比如,hang your clothes(挂衣服)。听两个例句。 Examples Please...

  • 想要朋友迎难而上,你可以说:

    22-06-13 1.Hang in there. 别气馁。 2.Dont give up. 别放弃。 3.Keep pushing. 再加把劲。 4.Pull yourself together. 振作起来。 5.Stay strong. 坚强点。...

  • get the hang of 摸清某物的用法

    22-06-10 指在经过练习之后摸清某物的用法,得知某事的窍门(to succeed in learning how to do something after practising it) 例句: I finally got the hang of this Macbook. 我终于学会怎么使用这台苹果笔记本电脑了。...

  • hang on 等等

    21-12-24 短语 hang on 的直接翻译是挂在什么东西上面,就像图中显示的那样。更常用的意思是请他人稍等片刻。 例句 Can you hang on for five minutes? Id like to come with you but I need to make a phone call first. Hang on a minute dont leave without trying some choc...

  • hang in there 坚持下去

    21-12-20 短语 to hang in there 意思是在困难的情况下忍耐一下,坚持下去。 例句 I know money is tight right now, but hang in there and itll get better. Im desperate to know my exam results, but Ill just have to hang in there until they are published. 请注意 另...

  • get the hang of something 学会做某事,掌握窍门

    21-09-10 当我们说 get the hang of something,意思就是 学会了做某件事情的要领,明白怎么做这件事情。 例句 I cant get the hang of this new computer system could you help me, please? 我不会用这个新的计算机系统,你能不能帮我一把? After several lessons, Im gettin...

  • to hang on (to) someone's every word 一字不漏的聆听

    21-08-02 如果你因为仰慕某人而对他/她说的话一字不漏的聆听,每句话都记在心里,就可以用 hang on (to) someones every word 来形容。 例句 She really likes her English professor. She seems to hang on to his every word. I love the sound of that presenters voice. Whe...

  • go out vs hang out 出去走走 vs 一起玩耍

    21-04-26 搭配 go out 和 hang out 都包含 进行娱乐、社交活动 的含义,但它们之间有微妙的区别,需要结合语境来理解。 首先,go out 的基本含义是 离开家出去进行一项活动,通常用来表示 出门进行一项娱乐或社交活动,也就是口语里常说的 出去玩。比如:Im going out with some...
