• handle with undue haste 操之过急

    22-01-22 操之过急,汉语成语,意思是处理事情、解决问题过于急躁。可以翻译为handle with undue haste,be too rush或act rashly等。 例句: 千万不能因为时间紧迫就操之过急。 Dont act hastily due to the pressing time. 这项计划失败是因为操之过急。 The reason why this...

  • fly off the handle 大发脾气;勃然大怒

    21-11-17 fly off the handle难道是放飞自我?意思有点接近,但这个放飞自我可不是主动追求自由,而是被情绪牵着飞,也就是被情绪所支配。 fly off the handle就是指大发脾气;勃然大怒。 Ive never seen her fly off the handle like that before. 我以前从没见过她发这么大脾...

  • to get a handle on something 理解、掌握某事

    21-09-02 短语 to get a handle on something 的意思是理解、掌握某事。 例句 I used to be terrible at maths but after lots of hard work, I think Ive got a handle on it now. If I could just get a handle on this new project at work, Im sure the boss would give me...

  • fly off the handle 大发脾气

    21-08-09 短语 fly off the handle 的意思是大发脾气,勃然大怒。 例句 When I told Dad I had crashed his car again he flew off the handle. Jane is trying to get to sleep, so if you wake her up she will fly off the handle. 请注意 短语 to get a handle on something...

  • too hot to handle 过于棘手,难以掌控

    21-05-22 口语表达 too hot to handle 因太烫而拿不住 的含义和汉语词语 烫手山芋 的意思相同,都用来比喻 事情过于棘手,不好解决。这个说法中的单词 handle 一语双关,既有 拿、触碰 的意思,也指 处理、解决。 例句 No one wanted to talk about the disagreement - it was s...
