• 美国科学家研究可“捕获”新冠病毒的口香糖

    21-12-09 美国宾夕法尼亚大学的一项新研究表明,含有高水平血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)蛋白的口香糖可捕获新冠病毒,减少唾液中的病毒载量,并有可能抑制传播,成为一种低成本的抗疫武器。 按照研究人员的构想,患者咀嚼这种口香糖时,口香糖含有的ACE2蛋白能捕获唾液中的病毒,...

  • 荷兰公司用口香糖做运动鞋鞋底

    18-05-13 Dutch fashion and shoe label Explicit Wear is hoping to solve one of lifes sticky situations -- the annoyance of stepping in discarded chewing gum on the pavement -- while helping to keep Amsterdams city streets clean. 踩到吐在人行道上的口香糖是件令...

  • 甩掉小肚腩需与以下因素抗争

    16-07-06 Chewing gum Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas. The same thing can happen if you gulp air when snacking on the run, eating too quickly...

  • 口香糖能从肠道无害排出

    16-06-04 It is a classic playground scare story - if you swallow chewing gum it will stay in your digestive system for seven years. 有个经典的大人拿来吓唬小孩的谎言如果你吞下了口香糖,它将在你的消化系统里停留七年。 But according to scientists at the American...

  • 嚼口香糖有助于摆脱“耳朵虫”

    15-05-08 We've all been there: you hear a catchy song and for days - or even weeks - on end you just can't get it out of your head. 我们都遇到过这种状况:你听完一首口水歌后,连续数日甚至数周你都没办法将其摆脱掉这首歌就是在你脑中阴魂不散。 Known as an earworm...

  • 日本特色风味名点小食

    15-01-11 Gum Chewing gum comes in pretty much every flavor you can think of, no matter which continent you're on. But the weirdest kind to come out of Japan isn't even this fruit-flavored gum riddled with spicy black peppercorns. On the tamer side of things,...

  • 口香糖是怎么制造的

    12-06-28 All recipes for chewing gum manufactured today share the same main ingredients: a gum base, sweeteners, primarily sugar and corn syrup(糖浆) , and flavorings. Some also contain softeners, such as glycerin(甘油) and vegetable oil. The amount of e...

  • How do I get the gum out

    12-04-18 Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, I'm meeting my wife right away. How do I get the gum out from my ear...

  • 上课嚼口香糖能提高成绩?

    10-12-04 德国南部的一所小学鼓励学生上课嚼口香糖,表示嚼口香糖有助于孩子健康的同时还能提高他们的成绩。 A Bavarian primary school is encouraging pupils to chew gum in class in an attempt to improve their grades. Wolfgang Ellegast from the Education Ministry in...

  • How do I get the gum out 怎么把口香糖取出来呢

    09-11-07 How do I get the gum out? Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, I'm meeting my wife right away. How do I g...
