• 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法(6)

    22-10-26 第五十一条 香港特别行政区立法会如拒绝批准政府提出的财政预算案,行政长官可向立法会申请临时拨款。如果由于立法会己被解散而不能批准拨款,行政长官可在选出新的立法会前的一段时期内,按上一财政年度的开支标准,批准临时短期拨款。 Article 51 If the Legislative...

  • 奥巴马演讲:关于赤字和公司税收改革的讲话1

    11-02-22 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Please have a seat. I figured that Id give Jay one more taste of freedom -- (laughter) -- before we lock him in a room with all of you, so Im here to do a little downfield blocking for him. Before I take a few...
