• black and white 黑与白

    22-01-04 在英语里,如果你认为某件事情或某个形势是 black and white 意思就是你觉得看得很清楚,立场很坚定,但其他人可能会从全局考虑从而会有不同看法。 例句 Im telling you the situation is black and white weve got no money left! Other people have opinions, too it...

  • a grey area 灰色地带

    21-08-26 英语中的 a grey area 意思是灰色地带或没有明确正误答案的、含糊不清的一个问题。 例句 When it comes to the law there are many grey areas. The difference between flirting and harassment is a grey area. 请注意 另一个短语 shades of grey 有类似意思,通常在...

  • 白发也时尚

    21-02-08 花白头发曾被认为是年迈的象征。但现在,奶奶灰色头发非常流行,人们不再只把这种颜色和衰老联系起来。许多女性选择去展示并欣然接受她们天然变白的头发。究竟是什么推动了这一时尚趋势的反转? Grey hair can be the beginning of the end. A silver signal that yout...

  • 红松鼠比灰松鼠更能嗅出危险

    20-11-21 在红松鼠与竞争物种灰松鼠的生存斗争中,天敌松貂似乎成了红松鼠的一个意想不到的盟友。贝尔法斯特女王大学的科学家们发现,虽然松貂捕食红、灰松鼠两个物种,但灰松鼠更容易受到攻击。 Wide-eyed and cute as they appear, pine martens are sharp-clawed predators....

  • 灰色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 灰色 grey; gray 银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom 铁灰 iron grey 铅灰 lividity; leaden grey 碳灰 charcoal grey 驼灰 doe 豆灰 rose dust 藕灰 zephyr 莲灰 elderberry 浅莲灰 pale lilac 鸽子灰 dove grey 鼠灰 stale grey; mouse 蟹灰 storm blue 天灰 sky...

  • Grey Gapper 银发空档族

    16-03-30 The newly coined term Grey Gapper describes people who are 55 and over, and who have decided to take a gap year. Gap years are normally associated with young people and students, who are taking a break from education to backpack around the world, st...

  • 《五十度灰》新书将于6月18日面世

    15-06-12 What's the perfect gift for fans still all tied up in Fifty Shades of Grey? A new book, of course. 对《五十度灰》的粉丝来说最好的礼物是什么?当然是同系列新书了。 Writer E.L. James announced on her Instagram account Monday that a new Fifty Shades boo...