• unemployed graduates 毕剩客

    15-07-15 A small hotel in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, has taken in more than 30,000 guests in seven years, most of them unemployed graduates . 浙江杭州的一家小旅馆7年间接待住客超过3万人,他们中的大多数是毕剩客。 毕剩客是网络新名词,指的是一毕业...

  • 2014全球大学毕业生就业能力排行榜

    14-12-14 Cambridge graduates are the most employable in the world, according to a global league table. The ancient university is the best at producing graduates who are 'ready to work', a poll of major employers found. 一项全球排名调查显示,英国剑桥大学的毕...

  • 奥巴马讲话 帮助美国的莘莘学子

    14-06-13 Hi, everybody. This is commencement(开始,毕业典礼) season, a time for graduates and their families to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of a young person's life. But for many graduates, it also means feeling trapped by a whole lot of stu...

  • 美国社会学家对大学毕业生的建议

    14-05-30 1. Don't worry about making your dreams come true College graduates are often told: follow your passion, do what you love, what you were meant to do, or make your dreams come true. Two-thirds think they're going find a job that allows them to change...

  • 米歇尔向高中毕业生致辞

    13-05-24 First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee high school graduates: Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitable failures with determination and grit. 又是一年毕业季,美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马5月18日向毕业...

  • 2020年高校毕业生将出现缺口

    12-07-01 By 2020, there will be about 38 million to 40 million too few college and university graduates to satisfy the demands of the global labor market, a report issued this month has found. 本月公布的最新报告显示,到2020年,高校毕业生的数量将无法满足就业...

  • 家长毕业典礼太喧哗 子女被扣毕业证

    12-06-09 美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提的四名高中毕业生在毕业典礼后未能拿到毕业证,原因是他们的家长在毕业典礼过程中长时间欢呼,影响了典礼秩序。校方表示,这四名学生须完成20小时的社区服务才能拿到毕业证。 A suburban Cincinnati high school held onto four graduates' diplom...

  • 越来越多女性收入不及丈夫 退出职场

    12-03-20 Susanna Mancini used to be successful as a lawyer and well paid for it. But her career eventually succumbed to her husband's even bigger success. She quit in 2005 when her six-digit income was overtaken by his seven-digit one. 苏珊娜曼西尼曾是一名成...

  • employment discrimination 就业歧视

    12-01-18 Beijing will launch a series of measures to increase employment opportunities for this year's college graduates and to fight any illegal job agencies and employment discrimination. 北京将采取一系列措施为应届大学毕业生增加就业机会,同时打击一切非法职...

  • 英大学生就业率创新低

    10-11-06 Nearly one in 11 graduates are unemployed six months after leaving university the highest proportion for 17 years, a study reveals today. 英国今日发布的一项调查显示,近1/11的大学毕业生在离校六个月后还未能就业,达到了17年来的最高比例。 Rising numbers...