• 夏洛特的网 Chapter 6

    20-12-24 The early summer days on a farm are the happiest and fairest days of the year. Lilacs bloom and make the air sweet, and then fade. Apple blossoms come with the lilacs, and the bees visit around among the apple trees. The days grow warm and soft. Sch...

  • 上海某大学收鹅当“学生”引热议

    18-08-14 Now that college entrance examinations are over, students are starting to receive their college admission letters. One university has created conversation online after accepting a goose as a student. 高考已经结束,学生们开始收到大学录取通知书。一所...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 3 下

    16-08-18 I can see that, replied Wilbur. He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down through the orchard. Pausing in the shade of an apple tree, he put his st...

  • The goose with the golden eggs 生金蛋的鹅

    16-08-17 One morning a countryman went to his gooses nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there. He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling hi...

  • The goose that laid the golden eggs 下金蛋的鹅

    15-06-09 A man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided t...

  • 山木与雁

    14-11-27 Zhuangzi sighed at a big tree in the forest that escaped the destiny of being chopped due to its uselessness. He said, it is its uselessness that the tree could have the chance to enjoy its natural span of life. At that night, zhuangzi's friend kill...

  • The Goose

    14-02-28 The feathers of a goose put the newly-fallen snow to the blush. Proud of this dazzling(耀眼的) gift of nature, she considered herself intended for a swan, rather than for that which she was. Accordingly, separating herself from her companions, she...

  • 时迁盗甲

    11-04-18 The armored cavalry(装甲部队) deployed by Huyan Zhuo could not be destroyed unless barbed lances(长矛) were used. Tang Long presented a drawing of such a lance and lance could be made according to the drawing. However no one was able to use them...

  • 北极熊不会使雪雁灭绝

    10-11-07 As the Arctic warms, a new cache of resourcessnow goose eggsmay help sustain(维持,支撑) the polar bear population for the foreseeable(可预知的) future. In a new study published in an early online edition of Oikos, researchers affiliated with th...

  • Give me a goose

    10-05-28 In a small pretty village in Nottingham shire(郡) there formerly lived a respectable Squire(乡绅,大地主) , who excelled(优于,超过) all his friends in amusements athletic, and whose manner of living was far from ascetic(苦行的,禁欲的) . A...