• 怎样同意别人的求助?

    21-12-17 No problem. 没问题。 Sure. 当然。 My pleasure. 我的荣幸。 Id be glad to help you. 我很乐意帮助你。 Why not? 表示没有理由不同意,也可以翻译为当然、很愿意。...

  • 英语中的同义词和反义词

    21-09-29 在英语里,如果两个词语的意思相同或相近,那么它们就被称作一对 synonyms 同义词,而意思相反的词语则叫作 antonyms 反义词。各类 同义词词典 thesaurus 中就收录了每个词语的近义、反义词。试着选出下列题目中特定词语的同义或反义词,丰富你的词汇量。 1. What is t...

  • happy的替换词

    16-06-16 glad 高兴的,乐意的 joyful 快乐的 ecstatic 狂喜的 cheerful 高兴的 delighted 快乐的 pleased 高兴的 content 满意的 jovial 快乐的;友好的 amused 愉快的;被逗笑的 merry 欢乐的;微醉的 thrilled 非常兴奋的 elated 兴高采烈的...

  • Making Granny Glad 让奶奶开心

    14-03-12 A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. Now, children, said she , has anyone of you ever make someone else glad? Please, teacher,said a small boy,I've make someone glad yesterday. Well done. Who was that?...

  • I'm Glad 我很高兴

    11-10-28 A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. Now, children, said she, has anyone of you ever made someone else glad? Please, teacher, said a small boy, I've made someone glad yesterday. Well done. Who was that...
