• 冰川融化丰富了南极的食物链

    15-08-12 Nutrient-rich water from melting Antarctic glaciers nourishes the ocean food chain, creating feeding hot spots in large gaps in the sea ice, according to a new study. New research finds that iron stored in the region's glaciers is being shuttled by...

  • 南极西部冰原融化速度是之前的三倍

    14-12-03 A comprehensive, 21-year analysis of the fastest-melting region of Antarctica has found that the melt rate of glaciers there has tripled during the last decade. The glaciers in the Amundsen Sea Embayment in West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice faste...

  • 鉴定热带冰川中冰碛石年龄的准确方法

    13-11-20 A Dartmouth-led team has found a more accurate method to determine the ages of boulders(岩石) deposited by tropical glaciers, findings that will likely influence previous research of how climate change has impacted ice masses around the equator(...

  • 煤烟疑似造成阿尔卑斯山冰川的消融

    13-09-03 Scientists have uncovered strong evidence that soot(煤烟,烟灰) , or black carbon, sent into the air by a rapidly industrializing Europe, likely caused the abrupt retreat of mountain glaciers in the European Alps. The research, published Sept. 2 i...

  • 喜马拉雅山冰川面积将缩减

    12-11-26 Come rain or shine, or even snow, some glaciers of the Himalayas will continue shrinking for many years to come. The forecast by Brigham Young University geology professor Summer Rupper comes after her research on Bhutan, a region in the bull's-eye...

  • 冰川对气候变化的反应有多快

    12-09-14 A new Arctic study in the journal Science is helping to unravel(解开,阐明) an important mystery surrounding climate change: How quickly glaciers can melt and grow in response to shifts in temperature. According to the new research, glaciers on Ca...

  • 评估阿拉斯加冰川对全球气候的影响

    11-05-29 With an estimated 34,000 square miles of ice, an area about the size of Maine, Alaska's multitude of glaciers have a global impact. Anthony Arendt, an assistant research professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, has outl...

  • 炎热的夏季可能放缓冰川的移动

    11-01-27 Hotter summers may not be as catastrophic for the Greenland ice sheet as previously feared and may actually slow down the flow of glaciers, according to new research. A letter published in Nature on 27 January explains how increased melting in warme...

  • 冰川可使高纬度山脉长高

    10-09-16 Glaciers can help actively growing mountains become higher by protecting them from erosion, according to a University of Arizona-led research team. The finding is contrary to the conventional view of glaciers as powerful agents of erosion that carve...

  • 利用卫星监测地球冰川融化情况

    10-02-02 The intense public debate on how rapidly the Himalayan喜马拉雅山脉的 glaciers冰川 are retreating highlights the necessity for the constant monitoring of glaciers worldwide by satellites. Since glaciers are among the most reliable indicators指示器 of...