• Google girlfriend 谷歌女友

    22-10-08 如果有一天某个哥们突然拿着一张大美女的照片,告诉你这是他的女友,你若是嫉妒得双眼发绿,那你可能就上当了哦。因为照片上的女孩很可能是他想象出来的谷歌女友。 Google girlfriend is an imaginary girlfriend whom one would brag about to his friends and use a...

  • 10句老外眼中的“土味情话”

    22-03-01 1. There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: alarm clock and you. 我早上醒来有两个原因:闹钟和你。 2. You must be good at Science, because I can see that we have chemistry. 你的科学课一定很好,因为我发现我们之间有化学反应。(*have chemistr...

  • more than meets the eye 超越视觉

    21-12-28 如果说什么东西是 more to something than meets the eye, 意思就是事情并不象处看到的那样简单。 例句 I dont like Peters new girlfriend she seems sweet but I think theres more to her than meets the eye. Theres more to the managers report than meets the e...

  • besotted with someone 迷得神魂颠倒

    21-04-27 搭配 besotted with 可用来表达 极度喜爱、迷恋一个人 ,它也可以夸张地比喻 极其喜欢一样东西、一个物品。比如,用 besotted with someone 形容对一个人一往情深,或用 besotted with something 来夸张地描述对事物的喜爱。 注意,这个搭配强调 迷恋的程度很深,甚至...