14-04-18 When your buddy keeps saying he's got a girlfriend, but you never meet her, then he probably has a Canadian girlfriend . It can also be understood as imaginary girlfriend. 如果你的哥们总是说他有女友,你却从没见过,那么他那位很可能是加拿大女友。也就...
14-02-15 一项最新调查揭示,英国男士心目中的完美女友身高5英尺5英寸,是曼联队的粉丝,说话还带有爱尔兰口音。当问及哪位明星最接近他们心目中的完美女友时,凯莉布鲁克、谢丽尔科尔和杰西卡恩妮斯呼声最高。 A new poll has revealed the perfect girlfriend - she is 5ft 5i...
13-10-16 A married man was visiting his girlfriend when she requested that he shave his beard. Oh James, I like your beard, but I would really love to see your handsome face. James replied, My wife loves this beard, I couldn't possibly do it, she would kill...
12-08-20 Billionaire investor George Soros had a lot to celebrate on Saturday evening: his 82nd birthday and the engagement to his much younger girlfriend, Tamiko Bolton. 亿万富翁、投资家乔治索罗斯上周六庆祝82岁生日时,宣布将迎娶比自己年轻很多的女友多美子-博...
11-01-05 At a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket(小盒) as a present for his girlfriend. Shall I engrave(雕刻,铭记) her name on it? the jeweler asked. The customer thought for a moment, and then said, No-engrave it 'To my one and only...
10-11-18 I promised my girlfriend a gold necklace for her birthday, but when the jeweler(珠宝商) quoted a price for one we liked, I let out a long, low whistle. And how much are they then? I asked, pointing to another tray(托盘,文件盒) . You, sir, repli...
10-09-14 Present for Girlfriend At a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket(小盒式吊坠) as a present for his girlfriend. Shall I engrave(雕刻,铭记) her name on it? the jeweler asked. The customer thought for a moment, and then said, No, e...
10-06-10 平时在办公室不苟言笑,大男人味十足的家伙跟他女儿讲话时可能会变成另外一个人。商场上咄咄逼人的女强人在另一半面前也可能是轻声细语、小鸟依人的样子。这样的角色转变我们都不陌生,或许每天都在经历。所以,如果身边有个男士时不时地用 girlfriend voice 跟女友说...
10-04-10 英国黛安娜王妃生前密友、作家蒂娜布朗日前透露,威廉王子或将于6月初与交往7年的女友凯特米德尔顿订婚,并有可能在11月喜结连理。 Prince William is finally set to announce his long-awaited engagement to girlfriend Kate Middleton, according to speculation s...
09-08-03 Actor Mark Wahlberg married long-term girlfriend Rhea Durham in Los Angeles on Saturday, according to reports. 报道称,演员Mark Wahlberg星期六在洛杉矶与他的长期拍拖女友Rhea Durham结婚。 Wahlberg's recent films include Max Payne and The Happening The...