• 考古学家发现有史以来最大千足虫化石

    22-02-23 科学家表示,他们在英格兰诺森伯兰郡的一片海滩上发现了有史以来最大的巨型千足虫(又称 马陆)化石,该发现纯属偶然。 The fossil was discovered when a boulder fell and cracked open at Howick Bay in Northumberland. It revealed a 75cm-long section of whats...

  • 世界最大蜜蜂在印尼被重新发现

    19-02-22 The worlds largest bee -- a giant insect roughly the size of a human thumb -- has been rediscovered in a remote part of Indonesia in its first sighting in nearly 40 years, researchers said Thursday. 世界上最大的蜜蜂大约有人的大拇指那么大在印度尼西亚...

  • 大熊猫高高旅居美国15年后回国

    18-11-02 A giant panda named Gao Gao has returned to Sichuan Province after a 15-year stay in the United States. 大熊猫高高旅居美国15年之后,现已返回四川...

  • 日本出生大熊猫幼仔首次亮相

    18-09-13 A female giant panda cub born at a zoo in Japan will make her first public appearance Thursday at the Japanese Zoo. 一只在日本动物园出生的雌性熊猫幼仔周四将首次亮相。 The cub was born to a 17-year-old giant panda named Rauhin at the Adventure World...

  • big的替换词

    16-06-16 large 大的,广泛的 huge 巨大的 giant 巨大的 gigantic 巨大的 enormous 庞大的 massive 大量的,大规模的 colossal 宏大的,大规模的 immense 巨大的 bulky 笨重的,庞大的 hefty 异常大的,高大健壮的 tremendous 极大的,极好的 jumbo 庞大的...

  • 中国专家破译大熊猫部分语言密码

    15-11-06 Can you imagine giant pandas baa like sheep to say I love you and warble a cheerful I do when wooed by a suitor, and bark like a dog when they are furious? 你能想象熊猫说我爱你时是咩咩咩,说我愿意时像鸟叫,而说我很生气时又像狗叫吗? Researchers ther...

  • Pumpkin Cart of Seven Mice 七只老鼠的南瓜车

    15-07-06 Early autumn in the pumpkin garden, there came seven wide mice escaping from a big and terrifying cat. They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins. The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off i...

  • 医学病症词典G(2)

    14-10-30 giant cell periarteritis 巨细胞动脉周围炎 gigantism 巨人症 gilles de la tourette syndrome 多发性抽动-秽语综合征 glabellar reflex 眉间反射 Glasgow coma scale 格拉斯哥昏迷计分 glaucoma 青光眼 glettic spasm 喉痉挛 glia limitans membrane 胶质界膜 glia...

  • The King's Son Who Feared Nothing

    13-08-07 There was once a King's son, who was no longer content to stay at home in his father's house, and as he had no fear of anything, he thought, I will go forth into the wide world, there the time will not seem long to me, and I shall see wonders enough...

  • Death's Messengers

    13-06-08 In ancient times a giant was once travelling on a great highway, when suddenly an unknown man sprang up before him, and said, Halt, not one step farther! What! cried the giant, a creature whom I can crush between my fingers, wants to block my way? W...