• 一些礼貌的英语表达 上

    22-03-11 1. 撒谎不说lie 表达撒谎,可以用到economical with the truth这个短语,它的意思是隐瞒真相;撒谎。可以这么理解: economical表示经济的;省钱的;节约的,对事实真相都很节约,也就是不完全说出真相的意思,这是一种幽默的表达。 He was being economical with the...

  • block somebody 拉黑

    21-11-22 前一阵大家一定收到了不少快递包裹(parcels)。和快递一样多的,或许是你多年来囤积在设置里的收件地址。想知道你关心谁,不用问塔罗占卜,梳理下你的收件地址就知道了。 拉黑,网络用语,通常指拉到黑名单、屏蔽某人言论,适用于社交软件等,可以翻译为block somebod...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 3

    20-11-10 In a week Paul was a favorite with the household; even prudent Hester felt the charm of his presence, and owned that Lillian was happier for a young companion in her walks. Hitherto the child had led a solitary life, with no playmates of her own age...

  • ghost drivers 幽灵司机

    16-12-17 Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as ghost drivers , The Paper reported Sunday. 据澎湃新闻报道:国内优步用户叫车时遭遇刷单行为,这些刷单司机被称为幽灵司机...

  • Ghost Sex

    16-07-13 At a conference on the supernatural, one of the speakers asked, Who here has ever seen a ghost? Most of the hands go up. And how many of you have had some form of interaction with a ghost? About half the hands stay up. OK, now how many of you have h...

  • Another Ghost Story

    16-06-30 There was once an indian woman named Devi. Indian people usually have sacred and great names related to god. A Devi is a female Deva (heavenly being), and the name bears great meaning. Sometimes, Indians name their children after Indra (the mytholog...

  • The Ghost at the Crossroads

    16-06-30 There is a village with several households in a wild land. Nobody from the village would go near the crossroads after midnight. Everyone said the place was haunted, and lots of people said they had seen a white woman figure there -- a horrible one-e...

  • The Ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn

    16-05-11 The ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn is quite a unique phenomenon in the world of the paranormal. Unlike most ghost who haunt a certain locality, Queen Anne Boleyns ghost is said to haunt a number of different locations through out the UK. Her spirit seem...

  • 他不愿意走

    16-02-22 My husband worked at a hospital that was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a patient who died there. This patient had spent a lot of time in the hospital and reportedly liked it there. My husband told me this story (he has had a few paranormal...

  • 日本不少的士司机曾载过鬼乘客

    16-01-31 In a chilling turn of events, some taxi drivers in Japan are claiming to have picked up ghost passengers in the aftermath of the tsunami that devastated the nation in March 2011. As many as seven of the 100 drivers interviewed by Yuka Kudo, a studen...