• Cara Delevingne走出抑郁 下

    22-04-15 And as well. How do you cure something like that? 还有。那你是怎么治好的呢? Well, my agency were like, because usually you have to take time to fix internal problems, like its the food and stress. 嗯,我的经纪公司是这样的,你必须花时间来解决自己的...

  • genome-editing technology 基因剪刀技术

    22-04-07 British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has announced a research programme to develop a new generation of medicines to treat the genetic causes of many debilitating diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and many cancers. 英国制药巨头阿斯利康制...

  • 英国家庭希望消除对白化病人的歧视

    22-03-30 Since birth, Naseem, Haider and their four siblings have had to face severe bullying and discrimination because of the way they look. 自出生以来,纳西姆、海德尔和四个兄弟姐妹就不得不面对严重的欺凌和歧视,这都是因为他们的外貌。 All six of them have a...

  • COP15在云南昆明正式开幕

    21-10-12 10月11日,2020年联合国《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会在云南昆明正式开幕。 先来简单科普一下: In 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity came into effect, which set three objectives the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable...

  • 为什么被叮的总是我?

    21-08-02 今年夏天,你已经收到几个红包了?你是那个集万千蚊子宠爱于一身的人吗? 你可能会想:为什么被叮的总是我?难道我就是传说中蚊子最爱的血型吗?相信很多人都会有这样的疑问。 蚊子能辨别血型 假的! 其实蚊子并不会在百米之外,就隔空辨识血型。 Why do mosquitoes pr...

  • 英科学家用基因编辑造“抗病猪”

    21-02-09 不少人都听说过用转基因改造生物。多年来,科学家一直在研究修改生物和植物的DNA,以从某种方式上改变它们的特征。生活中最常见的例子就是转基因食品。现在,科学家可对猪的基因进行改造,从而提起它们的存活率。他们使用的技术不是转基因,而是基因编辑。区别是什么呢...

  • 科学家发现 “左撇子基因”

    20-11-24 科学家们发现了第一个与左撇子有关的基因指令。这些指令似乎还与大脑的结构和功能密切相连,尤其是与语言有关的区域。 Around one in ten of us is left-handed - but why? A team at the University of Oxford analysed 400,000 peoples DNA. They then compared left...

  • 国务院发布人类遗传资源管理条例

    19-06-11 The State Council, Chinas cabinet, published a regulation on the management of human genetic resources that will take effect from July 1. 中国国务院发布人类遗传资源管理条例,该条例将于7月1日起生效。 The regulation aims to enhance protection of human...

  • 中国科学家利用基因技术创造蓝玫瑰

    18-10-12 Chinese scientists are using genetic technology and synthetic biology techniques to create genetically engineered blue roses. 中国科学家利用基因技术与合成生物学技术创造出基因改造蓝玫瑰。 Blue roses do not exist in nature and cannot be bred, as roses...

  • 基因重组改善番茄口感

    17-06-06 Researchers from Chinas Institute of Agriculture say theyve have found methods to improve the quality and taste of tomatoes by cracking and re-editing their genetic code. 中国农科院的研究人员表示,他们已经通过破解重组番茄基因组找到提高番茄质量与口感...