• An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 4

    20-11-11 ITS so wainy, I cant go out, and evwybody is so cwoss they wont play with me, said Maud, when Polly found her fretting on the stairs, and paused to ask the cause of her wails. Ill play with you; only dont scream and wake your mother. What shall we p...

  • 中国发布干细胞研究通用标准

    17-11-23 A general standard on research in stem cell technology was published in China on Wednesday. 中国周三发布干细胞技术研究通用标准。 The document introduces general requirements on screening of donors, tissue collection, cell separation and preservation...

  • 五名高级军官晋升为上将

    17-07-29 The Central Military Commission (CMC) on Friday promoted five senior military officers to the rank of general, the highest rank for officers in active service in China. 中央军事委员会周五晚晋升五名高级军官为上将,这是中国现役军官的最高军衔。 At the...

  • stay true to the original self 不忘初心

    16-07-31 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday called on his comrades to stay true to the mission taken up by the CPC 95 years ago. 中共中央总书记习近平上周五号召同志们不忘初心,不要忘记中国共产党95...

  • 联合国举行秘书长候选人公开面试

    16-04-18 The United Nations took a historic step Tuesday to open up the usually secret process of selecting the next secretary-general, giving all countries the chance to question candidates on such issues as how they would resist pressure from powerful nati...