• 《超能陆战队》第23章

    23-01-29 Back at his garage, Hiro burst in with Baymax behind him. He sat down at his computer and accessed Baymaxs super sensor. This enabled him to make code changes directly into Baymax. Baymax stared at Hiro. Hiros eyebrows were furrowed as he concentrat...

  • 《超能陆战队》第18章

    23-01-28 Hiro and the group gathered up the projects they had made at SFIT and brought them to Hiros garage. Were never going to catch this guy unless we can take out the microbots. So we need to level the playing field, Hiro said. He looked at Go Gos bike,...

  • 《超能陆战队》第14章

    23-01-28 Hiro couldnt wait to get started. He had Baymax stand in the center of the garage. Okay, arms up, he said as he pulled an electronic device from a shelf. He quickly scanned Baymax, then rolled his chair over to his computer. Will apprehending the ma...

  • 伸缩式车库为私人座驾遮风挡雨

    15-07-20 The retractable car garage acts as a movable cocoon that wraps around your vehicle when it's stopped in a regular car space. 这款伸缩式车库如同一个可以动的蚕茧,当车停到停车位时就会将车包裹起来。 Not only that, but it's solar powered so you'll be sa...

  • Butterfly Insights

    12-09-20 A marvelous(了不起的) lesson appeared for me just now as I was exiting through the garage. As I opened the garage door, I startled a large moth, which, upon spreading its wings, displayed a bright red tail hidden by the motley(杂色的) brown wing...

  • 纽约百万美元车位即将出售

    12-05-27 You'll need a trunk full of cash to park here. The city's first million-dollar parking space is on the market. 想要在这里停车,你需要带一大箱现金来才行。如今纽约首个百万美元停车位即将出售。 The parking spot at this residence on East 11th Street cost...

  • California to hold 'garage sale' 为救经济 施瓦辛格网上卖旧物

    09-08-30 为缓和经济窘境,加州州长施瓦辛格近日在eBay 和 Craigslist网站举行旧物在线展卖,包括汽车、衣帽架、电脑、鱼竿,以及有他亲笔签名的车辆防晒板等在内的6000件物品均在展卖之列。加州从上周起开始展卖多余的或者无人认领的物品,并将在本周五和周六两天集中展卖上述6...
