• 墨西哥某监狱发生帮派冲突 28人死亡

    10-06-15 A clash between rival gangs in a prison in Mexico's north-western state of Sinaloa has left some 28 inmates dead. 墨西哥西北部锡那罗亚州某监狱几个不和帮派之间发生冲突,至少28名囚犯死亡。 Sinaloa's governor had warned of overcrowding at the Mazatlan...

  • beggar gangs 丐帮

    09-11-21 说起丐帮,我们很自然会想起金庸武侠小说中行侠仗义的丐帮,但是现实生活中的丐帮却不是这样。近日在杭州出没的丐帮其实是一个有组织的行骗团体。 请看相关报道: Hangzhou plans to offer RMB200 for tips leading to the arrest of beggar gangs that use children a...
