• national crackdown on gang crimes 全国扫黑除恶专项斗争

    21-04-01 自2018年全国开展扫黑除恶专项斗争以来,通过制定法律政策、设立举报平台等一系列行动打击黑恶势力。国家统计局2020年上半年民意调查显示,95.1%的群众对专项斗争成效表示满意或比较满意。 Ever since China launched national crackdown on gang crimes in 2018, the...

  • 广东警方成功捣毁国内首个“呼死你”犯罪团伙

    18-06-20 Guangdong police have successfully smashed Chinas first chain of malicious call gangs and their extortion operations, and blocked over 830,000 illegal accounts operating in Sichuan, Henan, and Guangdong provinces, reports thepaper.cn. 广东警方成功捣...

  • Jehovah's Witness And Hell's Angels

    16-01-07 Q: What do you get when you cross a Jehova's Witness with a Hell's Angels motorcycle gang member? A: Someone who comes to your door and tells you to screw off!...

  • 帮派杀戮可以科学预测吗?

    15-08-18 Gang slayings move in a systematic pattern over time, spreading from one vulnerable area to the next like a disease, finds a groundbreaking study by Michigan State University criminologists and public health researchers. Their findings, published on...

  • 帮派生活使人短命

    14-09-25 Although membership in a gang often is depicted as a lifelong commitment, the typical gang member joins at age 13 and only stays active for about two years, according to a study at Sam Houston State University. Gang membership is not a fixed identit...

  • 委内瑞拉犯罪团伙盗窃女性头发

    13-08-11 在委内瑞拉第二大城市马拉开波,一个自称食人鱼的盗窃团伙专门将作案目标锁定为长发飘飘的女性,而他们要窃取的也不是她们的钱包,而是头发。他们偷来的头发一般都会卖给美发店做人工接发之用,质量上乘的头发能卖200英镑(约合人民币1900元)。 A group of Venezuelan...

  • 洪都拉斯贩毒团伙间发生枪战

    13-08-07 Seventeen people have been killed in a clash between rival drug gangs in Honduras, chief prosecutor Roberto Ramirez has said. 洪都拉斯两个贩毒团伙之间发生冲突,17人被杀。 The shootout happened in La Mosquitia, a remote region on Honduras' Atlantic c...

  • 肯尼亚逮捕一个非法狩猎犀牛团伙

    10-01-05 Kenyan authorities have arrested a gang suspected of killing a white rhino and cutting off and selling its horns. 肯尼亚当局逮捕一个犯罪团伙,该团伙涉嫌杀死一头白犀牛并切下、出售犀牛角。 Julius Kipng'etich said 2009 had been a bad year for rhino con...

  • 重庆“打黑” gang crackdown

    09-09-27 重庆曾经黑势力横行,各行各业几乎都有黑势力的渗透,近来重庆掀起了打黑风暴,一些横行多年的黑恶势力团伙被摧毁,司法局长涉黑落马被组织隔离调查、多名亿万富翁涉黑相继被捕,人民拍手称快。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Chongqing continuesgang crackdown 重庆继续...

  • 黑帮网游 online mafia games

    09-07-29 7月27日,文化部下发通知,要求各地立即查处黑帮主题的非法网络游戏。这是文化部继 《关于加强网络游戏虚拟货币管理工作的通知》后,下发的又一部以规范网游市场为目的的通知。《关于加强网络游戏虚拟货币管理工作的通知》是从经营层面对网游进行监管。而这次的通知则...
