• 20个地道英语表达 2

    22-05-27 6. Without further ado 这句在YouTube视频里经常听到,那些YouTubers在视频开头往往先介绍这个视频是干什么的,再顺便扯几句近期生活,然后在切入正题之前,有时会用这么一句Without further ado, lets get started.这句话的意思就类似于废话少说,让我们开始吧。 Ado...

  • without further ado 废话少数,言归正传

    22-05-07 without further ado 废话少数,言归正传 在国外视频中经常可以听到,往往开头先介绍这个视频讲什么的,再切入正题,这时就会说Without further ado,lets get started.当然在其他地方也可以用。例子: Without further ado, he took out his pen and lent it to me. 他...

  • take further action 采取进一步行动

    13-10-15 Jiang said the Philippines has not shown sufficient sincerity and has been oscillating in its handling of the case, making it necessary for Taipei to take further action , Taiwan media reported. 台湾媒体报道,江宜桦表示菲律宾未表现出足够的诚意,并且...
